Readymade Lottery script

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Readymade Lottery Script

If you are starting an online Lottery business and want a reliable software product for managing your business then
i-Net Solution provides you with the required software with accessible features to run your business efficiently. The Lottery business is the most popular game with a large number of users purchasing tickets. Our Advanced Lottery script provides you with admin dashboard to view the business details with no of users, no of raffles sold, no of lottos sold, and no of bookings.
The Admin can post Lotteries with the name, no of tickets, starting no, draw date, and prize amount.

Our readymade Lottery script allows you to manage the site details, manage slider, user password, and FAQ’s. You can also view user details such as name, email, register IP, Join date, and Wallet Balance. The script provides the admin to handle Bookings with booking management features through which you can view Booking id, draw dates, booking dates, ticket no, prize, lottery name, and type.

i-Net Solution provides users with separate account to easily purchase lottery tickets, transfer funds to the wallet and withdraw fund prize from the wallet. The users can contact the admin with user contact us option in script. The admin can manage the different lotteries such as Raffle, Lotto, and Lotto Combo.

You can manage your business easily with our script and approve withdraw & deposit requests from the users. Our advanced lottery allows you to pick winners from the list of users.


Admin Panel
Our script allows you to manage the site details, user, booking, Lottery and Wallet details easily using our admin panel.
User Contact us
The script allows the users to communicate directly to the admin using the Contact us feature in the website.
Newsletter & Ad Management
You can manage ads on the website to make additional income and manage newsletters to send it to the users.
Winner Management
The admin can select the winners from the list easily using the Winner management option in the admin dashboard.
User panel
The users can easily purchase lotteries, view lottery details, deposit funds to wallet and withdraw funds.
Wallet Management
The Users can purchase lotteries using the funds in their wallet. The admin has to approve the request from the users for withdraw and deposits.

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