Mydala Clone/ Groupon Clone/ 1 sale Clone Script/Daily Deals Script

  • (4)

Leading clone script development company

Mydala / Daily Deals / 1sale Clone scripts provides users with the best discount coupons for all products and services.

i-Net Solution provides Groupon Clone PHP Scripts with the best features designed specifically for clients, allowing them to make necessary modification easily.

Our Mydala / Daily Deals / 1sale Clone Script is developed, with best features for the clients. Our Groupon Clone PHP Script is a 100% customizable and readymade script. i-Net Solution offers our clients with Lifetime license for all our web scripts.

We have 18+ years of Industry and Technical Experience with a Skilled Team who develop all our products. All i-Net Solution Products are tested and executed with the highest quality using the latest tools and techniques.

The Clients can easily handle and manage the location, category, images, products, order and, payment. The main advantages of i-Net Solution MyDala / Daily Deals / 1sale Clone scripts are Mobile responsive and SEO friendly. We deliver our products within 24 hours of the purchase.

Unique Features of our Groupon Clone Script

Deal Categories
Our PHP scripts allows Clients to manage the daily deals in the Categories and run efficient business.
Ad- Captcha
Using the Ad-Captcha we provide better security checks for the Mydala / Daily Deals / 1sale Clone Scripts.
Ad- Banner management
This feature allows other organizations or website to host banners so our clients can make an earning.
Social Sharing
Our Groupon Clone PHP Scripts allows customers to share their social media and connect the website.
Manage Daily Deals or Group Deals
Our Clients can manage the Daily deals and Group Deals easily in our Scripts.
Wallet Systems
We provide Virtual wallet for customers so they can manage their funds in a safe and secure way.
Advanced Dashboard
Our Advance dashboard allows admin to make necessary changes or modification required to the script.

Why Us?
  1. We have 18+ years of Industry Experience
  2. i-Net Solution has a Skilled Team
  3. We offer Free Technical Support for three months
  4. Our Readymade Products are Customizable 
  5. We Offer Lifetime License

  6. DEMO:
  7. User Demo :

    Email :

    password : 123456 


    Vendor Demo:

    Email :

    password : 123456 


    Admin Demo : 

    Username : admin 

    Password : inetsol 


    Feature Document :

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